Work: Before Brand
Work Before Brand.
Do this to: build a 360 degree picture of your business and your audience and create the best foundation for your brand.
Make it your own way.
Make it your own way.
Over the past decade we’ve learnt much from our work with clients and looked at what their greatest needs are in building their brands. From this experience we’ve honed three tools that we use to generate deep insight into our client’s businesses, associated industries and their markets. We use this to build brands for our clients but it turns out it’s of profound value to business too – building team culture, creating shared brand ownership, guiding all aspects of communication and informing business growth. And it’s fun.
Foundation SessionTM
Do this to: Solve sticky brand problems collectively with expert guidance using principles of design thinking.
What is it?: A 2 hour facilitated, round-table working group comprising high-value informants and experts drawn from your team or industry. A guided and focused discussion lead by Working Images produces a valuable data set leading to resolution and a clear communication pathway. Detailed analysis and summary is presented back to leadership outlining high-level insights and strategic recommendations.
This work informs the Brand Profiling.
Can be done as a standalone component.
Client testimonial: Quam volut verumquatur sanihilit qui dolla sit ligendundia secest, odi quae suntium nonse voluptasped quas voluptaes asperro et odit ad magnati aeperro dolorerest, sitaquia corror ad quistem volles dernateces mo ma ventorum nostium rem aut as mi, sanimi.
Brand ProfilingTM
Do this to: Harness the intelligence within your business and team. Understand who you are, who to talk to and what you need to say.
What is it?: A team process for brand foundation. In a 1 day facilitated workshop led by Working Images your team will use nine unique lenses to produce deep, shared insight into the internal and external landscape of the business. A valuable information repository is formed and a singular voice created that will guide and inform communication planning and business development with certainty. Detailed analysis and summary is presented back to leadership outlining high-level insights and strategic recommendations and an emerging narrative for brand
This work informs the Brand Map.
Can be done as a standalone component.
Client testimonial: Quam volut verumquatur sanihilit qui dolla sit ligendundia secest, odi quae suntium nonse voluptasped quas voluptaes asperro et odit ad magnati aeperro dolorerest, sitaquia corror ad quistem volles dernateces mo ma ventorum nostium rem aut as mi, sanimi.
Brand MapTM
Do this to: Keep the big picture in sight with a detailed, visual overview of your entire brand narrative and communication framework.
What is it?: Drawing on insights from the Brand Profiling outputs and guided by the strategic imperatives of the business, Working Images will develop a tiered, structured and prioritised map forming a compelling brand narrative. It details clearly the value proposition for the business, your market needs and expectations, your communication priorities and the purpose driving the business. As a map created from information developed and shared by the team it has high levels of ownership and consensus.
This work informs the Work On Brand
(and everything you do).
Just can’t be done as a standalone component.
Client testimonial: Quam volut verumquatur sanihilit qui dolla sit ligendundia secest, odi quae suntium nonse voluptasped quas voluptaes asperro et odit ad magnati aeperro dolorerest, sitaquia corror ad quistem volles dernateces mo ma ventorum nostium rem aut as mi, sanimi.